Color as Therapy

The Effects of Color

I researched color and the effects of it on the body:

Blue: increases metabolism, slows down heart rate, anti-inflammatory, increases growth of the healthy cells. Throat energy center, speaking truth from your heart. Represents: Heavens, Sky, Celestial, Truth and Royalty, Cools and Tranquility.

Red: stimulates the nervous system, heart, blood circulation, represents passion, desire and courage, Root energy center, grounded foundation.

Yellow: stimulates the bowels, liver, mind and many psychological functions, sensory and motor nerves. Emotional power energy center, sense of worth and value. Represents Joy and Glory.

Orange: symbolizes warmth and plenty, vibrant, energetic, stimulates mental and physical energy, Sacral energy center, Creative life force.

Green: Health, Growth, Fresh, New, Vitality, Harmony, connection, slows metabolism, calmness, anti-inflammatory, soothes stomach and liver, heart energy center, unconditional love with an open heart to give and receive love.

Violet: stimulates the nervous system, the crown energy center, connection to the Divine Creator, Healer, source of All Life, symbolizes Sensitivity and Wisdom, is uplifting and imaginative. It is calming and gentle.

Purple: Stimulates the blood stream, the energy center in the forehead which controls the pineal gland, hearing, smell and vision. Pineal gland energy center, it symbolizes Majesty, Dignity, Enlightenment, Wisdom, Spirituality.

Brown: symbolizes the Earth, outdoors, decay of life.

Gray: symbolizes sadness and melancholy, depression, maturity, practical.

Black: symbolizes fear, evil, damage, devastation, ruin, defeat, downfall, annihilation, extinction. 

Crown, Pineal, Throat Energy Centers

An illustrative example of Color Therapy and the effects of color on the body.

Heart and Solar Plexus Energy Centers

Exposure to different colors affects
different areas of the body.

Sacral and Root Energy Centers

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