About The Artist

Elizabeth’s Journey

In her own words 

I love being in nature. My earliest memories were of my body, lying in the grass. I felt the warmth of the sun on my face and the gentle breeze on my skin. The birds were singing, the big blue sky encompassing my vision. Harmony… that’s how it could be described. I had an awareness of my body and its connection to nature and animals. God truly was with me. Even at the age of 4, I had a oneness with who I was and I felt loved. All was well in my soul. I brought this awareness of body, soul and spirit on my journey of life.

The road was difficult and at many times I stumbled. I felt joy and peace, sometimes excitement and dread. When needed, I lay down in the grass and would find a new perspective in the sky’s horizon. Trauma and grief disconnected me from myself and lying in that grass helped me to see and feel connected again. It was not until adulthood that I found painting was a tremendous connection to beauty and inner peace. Then on July 5, 2016, I was in a car accident and suffered a traumatic brain injury.

My world changed so dramatically. It was as if, all the lights had been turned out, and it was quiet. Parts of my body and spirit found my internal grass and lay down, however, they did not have the ability to get back up and function as before. They needed rest and healing that I did not understand. My path became very difficult; I had to somehow function without the needed tools that I had cultivated on my journey. God was aware and held me and comforted me in this dark place. It was there that I could see the little light of my soul. I drew comfort from that light and in these moments, I found a strength that I had not felt before, even when the world around me made no sense. 

In this vulnerable place, I had no real awareness of how serious my head injury was, but over the next months and years, I had daily reminders of how much I had lost. The grief would be excruciating; then in an instant, I would forget what I had lost and my lack of short-term memory became a blessing in disguise. I had extreme head pain and my cognitive reasoning was diminished. I could barely write. I was only able to see right in front of me; peripheral sight was gone. Situations would happen around me and I did not know how to process the information and make decisions. Sleep eluded me. I wore sunglasses most of the time because of the severe eye pain from my pupils being constantly dilated. Stairs and uneven surfaces caused me to trip, and movement was difficult because of the fear of falling. Anxiety and severe “PTSD” symptoms were a constant struggle. 

My inner light was determined to heal and the Creator used my body to speak to me.  It took me back to the things that rooted and grounded me: the earth, nature, animals, water and sunlight. I spent as much time outside every day as  possible, drinking in nature’s vibrant beauty. There is great power in sunlight to heal and regenerate the body. It has the amazing ability to produce color affecting the body chemically and the world around us with heat, electricity and magnetism. We see this in plants, trees and animals. Therefore, the human existence is dependent upon the flora and fauna of our earth. I slowly started to recognize healing in my body. 

My body craved water, I soaked in the tub for hours every day, mostly in the darkness. This quiet time calmed my anxiety and helped with the pain. 

Through more research, I found the higher hertz music. The different frequencies were amazing to bring peace and to eliminate my overwhelming thoughts.

Meditation was key to renewing my mind, focusing on love, beauty, gratefulness for life, and my connection to the planet and all living things. Aligning my thoughts with the Divine Source gave me balance and inner strength. 

I had heard that creating art by using the non-dominant hand brought greater spiritual awareness, and connected oneself more closely to the Creator, Jesus and the holy spirit. Watercolor is my art medium. It feels appropriate since “water” is the key to sustaining and nourishing life. 

So…with my brush, paint, pencil and paper in front of me, I brought my hands together and prayed, seeking oneness and alignment with the Creator. I had no thought of what I would paint. I cleared my thoughts and asked Jesus to speak through me and I would be the vessel. I closed my eyes and began to sketch with my left hand. Then I painted without being fully aware of what colors I chose, but listened until I heard an inner voice. I did this while turning the watercolor paper to all 4 sides. I had no conscious thought of what was going to appear before my eyes. I just listened to which colors and let my left hand connect and feel the paper.

Minutes to hours went by as my soul was at complete peace. Then an awareness came over me that the painting was complete. I stood the painting up against my studio wall and looked at it in amazement. It was in that moment that I knew Jesus had spoken to and through me. I gazed upon the little yellow bird that nested outside my window. God saw me, knew me, and had walked with me through all of my painful healing journey. I felt the creator’s deep love for me and felt the energy run through every cell in my body. I had been given an amazing gift of “Hope” beyond my human understanding. 

I did not realize that using my other hand to paint helped my brain to establish new neuro-pathways so that I could connect again to my inner self. Just like a long-lost friend, I embraced her. I held tightly to the parts of her that I desired to keep and worked hard at letting the trauma go. There was so much emotion in these months of releasing the trauma from my body. I wanted to honor my experience and gather only what was helping me to trust myself and move forward. My paintings helped in multiple ways in healing my spirit and body through color and providing me inner peace. More importantly, it released years of trauma. My mind was being renewed. 

I hope that my journey of renewal brings you hope; as you look at and absorb these beautiful colors in my paintings, open your mind and heart. See what you see, feel what you feel. 

I encourage you to lie on the grass and look to the Heavens. Nourish your mind, body and spirit n nature; seek alignment with all life; find yourself through the eyes of the master artist. This is where I found balance, peace and healing. 


Elizabeth Wilkes

artist, author and medical doctor

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul... Psalms 23:2-3