
January 20, 2023

I want to welcome every soul that comes to this site looking for beauty, enveloped in color. Art is introspective and leads to a deeper understanding of the artist but most importantly. I am hoping that you find a deeper understanding of yourself, in the light of the Creator. I am taking my time exploring each art piece and understanding what God was showing me. I had no thought of what would appear on the paper, so I cannot explain my thought process, I simply cleared my mind, connected to God and painted. I am now spending hours of research on what I see and what does the content in the art represent or symbolize. I am the student of my own life and I am excited to share this art with you. I have inwardly struggled with calling it my art. I feel that my Creator the Source of my Life, has lead me here. I am inspired to keep growing and explore this new world. Please check back often and see what is in the description, next to Gods healing art. Please research for yourself, what you see then email me from the contact page, on this site. I welcome your thoughts.


Elizabeth Wilkes-MD