Internal Sight


egyptian and asian art: I am going to start with the most obvious part of this piece which is the 3 Triangles. the triangle represents the Third eye, Doorway, Holy Trinity, Manifestation, Enlightenment, or the connection to The Source of All life, Creator God. The 3 triangles are connected at the base, one triangle is almost completely covered by the other triangle. Each triangle represents a period of time in my life. as I reflect upon this, I realize one represents my childhood, the other my adulthood, the final one represents my growth ,in the spiritual soul. My awareness of the purpose of it all. My connection to my breathe and in energy, in such a way that I can merge with all of the pieces and find oneness. An all encompassing wholeness of God and ones self. I am at the top of the largest triangle looking at myself. The journey has been very hard, as I feel it, tears come to my eyes. Is this what real Healing feels like, after decades of trauma, brain, body and soul fracturing. Can I really have Gods arms encircling me at every needed moment, carrying me through every dark valley and over the highest mountain tops. Does such love exist, just in the arms of my creator. I can feel Gods energy breath flow through me and I know that this true Divine Love comes only from One source. The tears are streaming down my face now, as I try to express in words, how Divine Love heals. I am one with God, I am filled with Joy at this amazing awareness and connection to Love=God. One cannot and does not exist without the other.

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