Crown, Pineal, Throat Energy Centers

from $1,200.00

The portrayal of the Crown energy center-Violet color, Pineal Gland energy center-Purple color, Throat energy center-Blue color. The key to the flow of energy in and out of the body is within these energy centers. I call this, the Helm of my ship. Its gentle guide to connection and awareness.

It is the beginning to my inner-standing of my bodies energy and the connection to All of my energy centers. As my energy flows through these portals, I feel the amazing connection to The Source of All life. I am in the presence of incomprehensible, unconditional LOVE. The Breathe and Energy connection’s are complete.

When you turn the art to a certain angle, you can see the side of the face and mouth. The breathe is visually being inhaled/exhaled from the mouth. I teach in my meditation classes this saying: Awareness Breathe Connect. Bringing Awareness to my body focusing on the Breathe in and out, slow and measured…then the Connection to my energy occurs in a beautiful, vibrational flow. I am infused with Peace and Joy.

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